TEFL TESOL lessons using Les Miserable song lyrics to teach English

My student Ken in Shanghai China has been taking online English lessons with me for over a year and a half. He loved learning the lyrics from the song ‘Master of the House’ from Les Miserables; it has very advanced English even for those of us who are native speakers. In addition to learning new phrases, grammar and practicing listening and speaking tasks, my students also get history lessons with each class. Thanks Ken Masters for always being a fun student! Who do you know that wants to improve their level of English fluency?


Rick Duda
TEFL TESOL English Language Tutor


Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ more advanced English than you’d think for TEFL / TESOL

Last week my students and I were surprised at the advanced level of English used in the lyrics in Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ movie. I must admit I’ve heard and seen one of the featured songs ‘Under The Sea’ hundreds of times but was not aware how much vocabulary is going on at such a rapid pace during the song. By slowing down the playback speed using the setting feature in YouTube my students are able to sing or speak along with the lyrics. We also discuss western culture, facial expressions and mannerisms during our lessons. Which song do you think would be the best song for students to improve their English?

Richard (Rick) Duda,English,Tutor,Teacher,Professional,Lessons,Marketing,Sales,Executive,Disney,Education,TEFL,TESOL,IELTS,SPEAKER,CUSTOMER,Service,western,culture,expressions,history,mannerisms,vocabulary,

Proper,grammar,formal,informal,work,Accent,reduction,Writing,thesis,research papers, reporting,university,admissions,Fellowship,United State,residency,programs,conversation,dialogue,American,slang,idioms,presentations, proposals,online,meetings,resume,CV,pronunciation,US,regional,accents,British, accent